Title: Cultural Dig into Mummification
Dates: 8000 BCE - 2008 CE
Egypt: 2600 BCE - 364 CE
Chinchorro: 5000 - 2000 BCE
Inca: 1400 - 1533 CE
Anga: Ongoing
Time Period: Prehistoric through Modern
Summary: Mummification isn’t an Egypt-only phenomenon. Many cultures across the world practiced mummification. In fact, mummies can be found on every continent except Antarctica. To appreciate the craftsmanship, the science, and the religious aspects of mummies, we present a global exploration of the process. From the oldest known mummy, found in Fallon, NV to the mummies of the Anga clan in Papua New Guinea who still watch over their tribe. We dig into the various reasons behind the process, discussing the Egyptian beliefs, the Chinchorro culture, and the Inca's ancestral power.
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